Bitcoin Papyrus

Lets have the whole world write shared stories into the bitcoin blockchain!

To add a letter, send the following amounts (in satoshi) to the bitcoin address below (~10 cents / letter)

A   1001 F   1006 K   1011 P   1016 U   1021 Z   1026
B   1002 G   1007 L   1012 Q   1017 V   1022 .   1027
C   1003 H   1008 M   1013 R   1018 W   1023 ,   1028
D   1004 I   1009 N   1014 S   1019 X   1024 !   1029
E   1005 J   1010 O   1015 T   1020 Y   1025 '   1030

[space]   1000       [break]    1031

1Bkcok3KgqmDReasQzYiBq86WNZea6424o bitcoin address QR code

Our story so far...

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